Terinspirasi dari artikel di blog pak Budi Rahadjo, judulnya Raja Penderitaan, dan juga lagu dari Sting berjudul King Of Pain..
Saya mau sedikit berfilsafat, walau ini pinjaman yang pernah saya baca di salah satu media, atau radio, masalahnya saya lupa sumbernya.
Seorang murid bertanya pada gurunya mengenai beratnya hidup, penderitaan yang kesannya tidak adil diberikan oleh Tuhan kepada hamba-hambanya.
Sang guru tidak menjawab, malah menyuruh si murid mengambil sesendok garam dapur, dan segelas air putih.
Kebingungan , si murid langsung saja menyediakan permintaan sang guru. Gurunya menyuruh si murid memasukkannya sesendok garam itu ke dalam gelas berisi air minum, dan menyuruh si murid meneguk sedikit air dalam gelas tersebut.
ERP : Apa itu ERP
ERP adalah software. Bisa berjalan sebagai aplikasi desktop, bisa juga sebagai webapps (aplikasi web), dan biasanya punya aplikasi mobile...

Sunday, November 27, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Bebek goreng Sulawesi Warung 99
Dear readers ..
Salah satu makanan favorite saya beberapa bulan terakhir adalah bebek goreng di sebalah kiri ini. Rasanya lezat, karena direbus dulu dalam bumbu rahasia, yang membuat dagingnya empuk dan spicy. Setelah digoreng maka kulit dan bagian luar menjadi lebih garing dan wangi.
Yang tidak kalah lezatnya adalah sambel dari bebek goreng ini, sambelnya pedassss.. tapi gurih dan segar.
Yang mau mencoba silahkan meluncur setelah jam 7 malam di Jl. Sulawesi, hampir ujung jalan sebelum tembus dan berbelok ke Jl. Ahmad Yani.
Penjualnya hanya berupa gerobak sedang dengan Tenda Betuliskan "Warung 99".
Selain bebek, tersedia juga ayam goreng, yang juga sama nikmatnya. Murah dan nikmat, silahkan di coba .
Salah satu makanan favorite saya beberapa bulan terakhir adalah bebek goreng di sebalah kiri ini. Rasanya lezat, karena direbus dulu dalam bumbu rahasia, yang membuat dagingnya empuk dan spicy. Setelah digoreng maka kulit dan bagian luar menjadi lebih garing dan wangi.
Yang tidak kalah lezatnya adalah sambel dari bebek goreng ini, sambelnya pedassss.. tapi gurih dan segar.
Yang mau mencoba silahkan meluncur setelah jam 7 malam di Jl. Sulawesi, hampir ujung jalan sebelum tembus dan berbelok ke Jl. Ahmad Yani.
Penjualnya hanya berupa gerobak sedang dengan Tenda Betuliskan "Warung 99".
Selain bebek, tersedia juga ayam goreng, yang juga sama nikmatnya. Murah dan nikmat, silahkan di coba .
Thursday, October 13, 2011
IOS 5 Direct Download
Apple has released iOS 5 for all devices.IOS 5 now available more early than we predict, about October 10th. Now
you can download for all your Apple device, it's a direct link :.
- Download iOS 5 iPhone 4 (GSM)
- Download iOS 5 iPhone 4 (Verizon)
- Download iOS 5 iPhone 3GS
- Download iOS 5 iPad 2 WiFi
- Download iOS 5 iPad 2 GSM
- Download iOS 5 iPad 2 CDMA
- Download iOS 5 iPad
- Download iOS 5 iPod touch 3G
- Download iOS 5 iPod touch 4G
Thursday, October 06, 2011
Remembering Steve Jobs
Just spread how good this person was...Quote from apple.com.
"Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple.”
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
7 Software Project One Year
Hari ini salah satu software project palingenesis berat sepanjang sejarah keterlibatan says, selesai. Sedang running , Dan everything looks fine. Selain itu says juga Masih running 3 project parallel di 3 peruse San di group says, dengan hanya melibatkan 4 orang programmer Dan 3 orang analyst plus says sebagai project manager.
Melelahkan, tapi puas,. Total Ada 7 project Tahun ini yang bakal sy launching di awal tahun depan. Wish me luck!
Monday, October 03, 2011
Ngga usah pakai domain pribadi
Kenapa, weehh.. langsung tancap gass..
Sesuai judul diatas , beberapa tahun yang lalu saya dan kebanyakan orang mungkin sangat ingin punya domain sesuai nama sendiri misalnya domain saya (ada loh) http://razmal-djamal.web.id . Kesannya personal, dan keren. Bayangkan punya email me@razmal-djamal.web.id (ini eksis juga loh) .
Tapi setelah berjalan , terasa susahnya. Menurut saya , yang start menulis blog sejak 2002 (sudah 9 tahunan nih) memindahkan konten dari Blogger dengan sempurna bakal jadi kerjaan , walaupun mungkin bisa, tapi faktor terbesar MALAS hehehhehe..
Belum lagi faktor adsense. Ini paling penting, adsense khan merujuk ke stat, baik itu PageRank dan Alexa Rank. Nah dua stat ini, kalau mulai dari nama baru lagi, yah start dari nol lagi.
Maka dari itu, sekarang kalaupun domain probadiku, si web.id tadi mati, yah biarin saja. yang penting blog ini terus lanjut.
Sesuai judul diatas , beberapa tahun yang lalu saya dan kebanyakan orang mungkin sangat ingin punya domain sesuai nama sendiri misalnya domain saya (ada loh) http://razmal-djamal.web.id . Kesannya personal, dan keren. Bayangkan punya email me@razmal-djamal.web.id (ini eksis juga loh) .
Tapi setelah berjalan , terasa susahnya. Menurut saya , yang start menulis blog sejak 2002 (sudah 9 tahunan nih) memindahkan konten dari Blogger dengan sempurna bakal jadi kerjaan , walaupun mungkin bisa, tapi faktor terbesar MALAS hehehhehe..
Belum lagi faktor adsense. Ini paling penting, adsense khan merujuk ke stat, baik itu PageRank dan Alexa Rank. Nah dua stat ini, kalau mulai dari nama baru lagi, yah start dari nol lagi.
Maka dari itu, sekarang kalaupun domain probadiku, si web.id tadi mati, yah biarin saja. yang penting blog ini terus lanjut.
Sunday, October 02, 2011
Let's be happy !
IMHO , happiness i’ts like a switch. With just two options, happy or not. And the operator is our self . You just need to turn it on or off. And, you can place that switch in first stage off all concept, moment, idea, problem, progress, even achievements.
So my poin is , in all moment, feeling, bad or good days, let’s just be happy before doing everything.
This opinion , was for replying at Pandji's blog this morning.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tanpa Angka 13
Tahayul di mana mana, ini di lift 14 lantai, angka 13 nya di hilangkan. Padahal Allah SWT senang angka ganjil.
Sarapan Hari ini
Pagi ini anakku nindya sama ibunya juga adiknya jam 7 sudah duluan beraktivitas.Ada kegiatan eskul di TK.
Lapar, jadinya jalan beli nasi kuning di pojok jalan depan dekat tugu Adipura,Tello.
Pulang, langsung di buka dan di sikat. Nasi kuning yg agak pedes karena semua kuahnya pakai cabe besar, tapi mantap, pake telur dan ayam bumbu.
Yuk mari...
Selamat pagi semua...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Lapar, jadinya jalan beli nasi kuning di pojok jalan depan dekat tugu Adipura,Tello.
Pulang, langsung di buka dan di sikat. Nasi kuning yg agak pedes karena semua kuahnya pakai cabe besar, tapi mantap, pake telur dan ayam bumbu.
Yuk mari...
Selamat pagi semua...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Jalan Jenderal Urip Sumohardjo,Panakkukang,Indonesia
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Makan yuk !
Makan lagi di lt 4 Wisma Kalla. Menu variatif, dari yg berat macam Pallu Basa dan Konro sampai salad dan cocktail juga ada.
Hari ini sdh makan, mau coba minuman khas dari Resto Djuku, Ginger Tea.. Hot Ginger Tea
Picture taken by iPhone3Gs
Hari ini sdh makan, mau coba minuman khas dari Resto Djuku, Ginger Tea.. Hot Ginger Tea
Picture taken by iPhone3Gs
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Going Out Today
Planning to have a lunch today with my wife, of course take a walk a couple hours, she says got something to buy at the mall. Oh ya, I've got shopping list too, an iPad dock or some nice Bluetooth keyboard, or just a smart cover...Let see what will be next heheheh
Soccer time !
Setiap weekend , selepas menidurkan anak anakku semua, pastinya tv di set ke 3 channel bergantian, MNC TV , GlobalTV Dan TVOne. Untuk apa, pastilah nonton bola .
Dari Lingala Inggris bias Ada 3-4 pertandingan dua hari sabtu Dan minggu plus Dari liga spanyol juga segitu jumlahnya. Malam ini di temani teh hijau panas dan pia cokelat , my private time is begin.
Tapi tetap saja ada gangguan , dari otak sendiri untuk menyentuh iPad ku, laptop, bahkan update app di iPhone ku...
Belum lagi menulis semua ini di iPad , using blogpress yg selalu saja melakukan spell-check ..jadinya tulisan sering diulangi satu-satu.
Met nonton bola semua...
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Dari Lingala Inggris bias Ada 3-4 pertandingan dua hari sabtu Dan minggu plus Dari liga spanyol juga segitu jumlahnya. Malam ini di temani teh hijau panas dan pia cokelat , my private time is begin.
Tapi tetap saja ada gangguan , dari otak sendiri untuk menyentuh iPad ku, laptop, bahkan update app di iPhone ku...
Belum lagi menulis semua ini di iPad , using blogpress yg selalu saja melakukan spell-check ..jadinya tulisan sering diulangi satu-satu.
Met nonton bola semua...
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Migrasi Linux Dari Partisi ke Partisi
Sebenarnya ini tulisan lama dari blog saya yg lama... cuman salah satu rekan saya di kantor kemarin menanyakan kemungkinan ini jadi saya publish ulang saja. Semoga ada manfaatnya ..
Sebenarnya ini kasus yang kebetulan. Karena saya mau mencoba untuk menginstall MacOS X86 Leopard (yah, illegal rilis dari Kalyway agar Leopard bisa jalan di mesin X86), akan tetapi partisi sudah full.
Partition Map saya adalah sebagai berikut :
* /dev/sda1 WindowsXp Type c Win32 (LBA) Fat32
* /dev/sda2 Slackware Type 83 Linux ReiserFS
* /dev/sda3 FreeBSD Type BSD
* /dev/sda5 Extended
* /dev/sda6 Linux Swap Type 82 Swap Swap
* /dev/sda7 Linux Type 83 Linux ReiserFS
* /dev/sda8 Windows Type c Win32(LBA) Fat32
Nah, karena partisi primer hanya bisa ada 4 dalam satu fisik hardisk, berarti dengan adanya Extended partition yg berfungsi sebagai base dari logical partition berisi swap partition (a must) , maka 3 partisi pertama diatas (primer) adalah sudah full, dan tdk bisa lagi ditambah .
Sedangkan dari internet infonya si Mac X86 ini hanya bisa di primary partition sama seperti FreeBSD dan Solaris. Satu satunya cara untuk mengosongkan satu jatah partisi primer tanpa kehilangan salah satu operating system diatas adalah melakukan migrasi Slackware 12 ku ke logical partition. Pertanyaannya bisa apa tidak ??
Sebenarnya ini kasus yang kebetulan. Karena saya mau mencoba untuk menginstall MacOS X86 Leopard (yah, illegal rilis dari Kalyway agar Leopard bisa jalan di mesin X86), akan tetapi partisi sudah full.
Partition Map saya adalah sebagai berikut :
* /dev/sda1 WindowsXp Type c Win32 (LBA) Fat32
* /dev/sda2 Slackware Type 83 Linux ReiserFS
* /dev/sda3 FreeBSD Type BSD
* /dev/sda5 Extended
* /dev/sda6 Linux Swap Type 82 Swap Swap
* /dev/sda7 Linux Type 83 Linux ReiserFS
* /dev/sda8 Windows Type c Win32(LBA) Fat32
Nah, karena partisi primer hanya bisa ada 4 dalam satu fisik hardisk, berarti dengan adanya Extended partition yg berfungsi sebagai base dari logical partition berisi swap partition (a must) , maka 3 partisi pertama diatas (primer) adalah sudah full, dan tdk bisa lagi ditambah .
Sedangkan dari internet infonya si Mac X86 ini hanya bisa di primary partition sama seperti FreeBSD dan Solaris. Satu satunya cara untuk mengosongkan satu jatah partisi primer tanpa kehilangan salah satu operating system diatas adalah melakukan migrasi Slackware 12 ku ke logical partition. Pertanyaannya bisa apa tidak ??
Monday, August 22, 2011
Google Magnifier Launched, a Blog for Google Music
Google's new Magnifier "music discovery" blog not only serves up free music, but connects Music Beta to Google+ indirectly.
Wednesday Google launched Magnifier, a "cousin" to the company's Music Beta service which went live back in May. Unlike the latter which serves as cloud storage, Magnifier is a blog edited by Tim Quirk – Rhapsody's former senior vice president and the current head of global content programming for Google Android – and focuses on music discovery, offering video of live performances, free music downloads and artist interviews.
"Magnifier is basically Music Beta's cousin who lives in England, except that we don't actually live in England, and you don't have to wait weeks for new packages to arrive via air mail," Quirk said in a blog. "Because we’ll bring you new free music each and every day. Sometimes it will be songs you haven't heard of by artists you have. Sometimes it will be new artists we think deserve more attention. And sometimes there will be video interviews and live performances."
Wednesday Google launched Magnifier, a "cousin" to the company's Music Beta service which went live back in May. Unlike the latter which serves as cloud storage, Magnifier is a blog edited by Tim Quirk – Rhapsody's former senior vice president and the current head of global content programming for Google Android – and focuses on music discovery, offering video of live performances, free music downloads and artist interviews.
"Magnifier is basically Music Beta's cousin who lives in England, except that we don't actually live in England, and you don't have to wait weeks for new packages to arrive via air mail," Quirk said in a blog. "Because we’ll bring you new free music each and every day. Sometimes it will be songs you haven't heard of by artists you have. Sometimes it will be new artists we think deserve more attention. And sometimes there will be video interviews and live performances."
BlackBerry Torch 9810 : My Review
Last year RIM introduced the BlackBerry Torch 9800, a touchscreen/QWERTY-keyboard hybrid. Almost exactly a year later, the BlackBerry Torch 9810 ($50 with a two-year contract from AT&T as of August 16, 2011) has arrived.
Designwise, the two smartphones are pretty similar. The real change is in the software: The 9810 (along with the BlackBerry Bold 9900/9930 and the all-touch Torch 9850/9860) ships with the new BlackBerry 7 OS. However, although BlackBerry 7 OS is a big step up from the previous version, it still lacks a modern, cutting-edge feeling. On top of that, I noticed a few performance issues with the Torch 9810's browser.
Like the Torch 9800, the Torch 9810 gives you the best of both worlds: a physical keyboard and a full touch display. While the 9810 is almost identical in design to the 9800, it is slightly thinner, measuring 4.3 by 2.4 by 0.54 inches (as opposed to the 4.4-by-2.4-by-0.6-inch Torch 9800); it weighs 5.6 ounces, the same as the original Torch. The 9810 has a silver and black color scheme, which gives it a fun, flashier look in comparison with the mostly black and chrome 9800. I do prefer the textured rubber battery cover on the 9800 to the 9810's hard cover, which makes the 9810 feel plasticky and not as well constructed as its predecessor.
The slider mechanism feels sturdy and solid, and slides up smoothly to reveal the full QWERTY keyboard. The keyboard is pretty much identical to the original Torch's, as far as I can see. It's slightly wider, but you can barely tell from using it or looking at it. Nevertheless, it is a bit on the narrow side, so users with larger fingers might find it uncomfortable. Keys are sculpted and nicely sized, and include a handful of useful shortcut buttons. The Torch 9810 also has a software keyboard that you can use in portrait and landscape mode, but both variations feel pretty cramped.
The 9810's 3.2-inch 640-by-480-pixel display is an improvement over the original Torch's screen (3.2 inches, 360 by 480 pixels), but it still seems lackluster next to Samsung's Super AMOLED Plus displays or the qHD displays we've been seeing on the latest Motorola and HTC phones. It is also quite small by today's standards for touchscreen smartphones. If a larger screen is what you crave, the all-touch (no keyboard) Torch 9860 will fit the bill. The Torch 9810's display is powered by a technology (on all of the latest BlackBerrys) that RIM calls Liquid Graphics, which is supposed to give you a "smoother, more fluid touch experience." While I definitely noticed an image-quality improvement in moving from the 9800 to the 9810, I didn't exactly find the touch experience to be "fluid." I'm not sure if this was due to the processing power in the Torch 9810 or the software, but pinch-and-zoom in the browser stuttered, and scrolling wasn't as smooth as on other smartphones. On the bright side, I noticed less pixelation in images in a side-by-side comparison with the original Torch, and text looked sharper and easier to read as well.
Designwise, the two smartphones are pretty similar. The real change is in the software: The 9810 (along with the BlackBerry Bold 9900/9930 and the all-touch Torch 9850/9860) ships with the new BlackBerry 7 OS. However, although BlackBerry 7 OS is a big step up from the previous version, it still lacks a modern, cutting-edge feeling. On top of that, I noticed a few performance issues with the Torch 9810's browser.
Like the Torch 9800, the Torch 9810 gives you the best of both worlds: a physical keyboard and a full touch display. While the 9810 is almost identical in design to the 9800, it is slightly thinner, measuring 4.3 by 2.4 by 0.54 inches (as opposed to the 4.4-by-2.4-by-0.6-inch Torch 9800); it weighs 5.6 ounces, the same as the original Torch. The 9810 has a silver and black color scheme, which gives it a fun, flashier look in comparison with the mostly black and chrome 9800. I do prefer the textured rubber battery cover on the 9800 to the 9810's hard cover, which makes the 9810 feel plasticky and not as well constructed as its predecessor.
The slider mechanism feels sturdy and solid, and slides up smoothly to reveal the full QWERTY keyboard. The keyboard is pretty much identical to the original Torch's, as far as I can see. It's slightly wider, but you can barely tell from using it or looking at it. Nevertheless, it is a bit on the narrow side, so users with larger fingers might find it uncomfortable. Keys are sculpted and nicely sized, and include a handful of useful shortcut buttons. The Torch 9810 also has a software keyboard that you can use in portrait and landscape mode, but both variations feel pretty cramped.
The 9810's 3.2-inch 640-by-480-pixel display is an improvement over the original Torch's screen (3.2 inches, 360 by 480 pixels), but it still seems lackluster next to Samsung's Super AMOLED Plus displays or the qHD displays we've been seeing on the latest Motorola and HTC phones. It is also quite small by today's standards for touchscreen smartphones. If a larger screen is what you crave, the all-touch (no keyboard) Torch 9860 will fit the bill. The Torch 9810's display is powered by a technology (on all of the latest BlackBerrys) that RIM calls Liquid Graphics, which is supposed to give you a "smoother, more fluid touch experience." While I definitely noticed an image-quality improvement in moving from the 9800 to the 9810, I didn't exactly find the touch experience to be "fluid." I'm not sure if this was due to the processing power in the Torch 9810 or the software, but pinch-and-zoom in the browser stuttered, and scrolling wasn't as smooth as on other smartphones. On the bright side, I noticed less pixelation in images in a side-by-side comparison with the original Torch, and text looked sharper and easier to read as well.
Apple New Update 10.7.1 Lion Release
This Tuesday, Apple Release the first incremental update version 10.7.1 for Mac OS Lion. Pepole in Apple who created this update says that the update includes general updates for improved stability, and calls out a few specific bug fixes.
A bug that caused some Macs to become unresponsive while playing a video in Safari is fixed, as is a bug that could cause system audio to stop working when using HDMI or optical audio out. Bugs that prevented the proper transfer of data, settings, and compatible applications from older Macs to a new Mac running Lion are corrected, as is a bug where an administrative user account could go missing after upgrading to Lion.
In this update included an update to improves Wi-Fi connection reliability. Apple also released the 10.7.1 update for Lion Server, which addresses the same issues.
A bug that caused some Macs to become unresponsive while playing a video in Safari is fixed, as is a bug that could cause system audio to stop working when using HDMI or optical audio out. Bugs that prevented the proper transfer of data, settings, and compatible applications from older Macs to a new Mac running Lion are corrected, as is a bug where an administrative user account could go missing after upgrading to Lion.
In this update included an update to improves Wi-Fi connection reliability. Apple also released the 10.7.1 update for Lion Server, which addresses the same issues.
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Sibuk Sibuk
Sebulan terakhir ini, saya susah sekali menulis di Blog, alasannya tentu saja sesuai judul diatas SIBUK.Masalah kerjaan kantor intinya, ada sekitar 7 Project Teknologi yang mesti dikejar sampai pertengahan tahun depan. Belum masalah handling Group Company yang cukup besar dengan banyak buanget tugas non job yang tiba tiba muncul bersama dengan Surat Penunjukan Direksi hehehhehe.... pokoknya sibuk berat.
Akibatnya, jadi susah update, susah belajar hal baru lagi, malah buku dari Amazon masih ada 4 yang belum di baca sampai tamat.
Untuknya Ramadhan datang , jadinya bisa sedikit slowly, cooling down, karena semua lingkungan di kantor juga begitu.
Saya tetap setuju dengan konsep kerja di Ramadhan ini, karena biar bagaimana Ibadah yang mesti di perbanyak, masakan 11 bulan kerja masuk Ramadhan juga seperti itu.
Sibuk, seakarang kayaknya tidak buktinya masih nulis di Blog.
Akibatnya, jadi susah update, susah belajar hal baru lagi, malah buku dari Amazon masih ada 4 yang belum di baca sampai tamat.
Untuknya Ramadhan datang , jadinya bisa sedikit slowly, cooling down, karena semua lingkungan di kantor juga begitu.
Saya tetap setuju dengan konsep kerja di Ramadhan ini, karena biar bagaimana Ibadah yang mesti di perbanyak, masakan 11 bulan kerja masuk Ramadhan juga seperti itu.
Sibuk, seakarang kayaknya tidak buktinya masih nulis di Blog.
Android Devices Programming Start Up
Hello All
Android devices is still booming. Every 3 months, many vendor release their handset based on this free mobile OS.
For us who have a passion for writing a code, program or making an application, Android is a promising system , it's free and open. We can easily made ours app without getting headache like other development language.
The question is, what Android is about ? How to making an environment that ready for Android programming ? What language do we have to know as a first step for writing Android based code ? Do this environment has a IDE ?
Android is a free Open Source Mobile platform that run in multiple device, named like Cell Phone, Smart Phone, Tablet, and now its a fundamental system for Google's Chrome OS for Netbook.
We can make an environment on our PC or laptop for this system, using this link we can learn how to set up their environment.
Android was a Java code all about. The tools that ready to use can be download from this link.
A nice simple set of many sample code can be download from this link.
For a simple and best environment , i prefer using Eclipse IDE .
Hope this articles will help U guys...
Android devices is still booming. Every 3 months, many vendor release their handset based on this free mobile OS.
For us who have a passion for writing a code, program or making an application, Android is a promising system , it's free and open. We can easily made ours app without getting headache like other development language.
The question is, what Android is about ? How to making an environment that ready for Android programming ? What language do we have to know as a first step for writing Android based code ? Do this environment has a IDE ?
Android is a free Open Source Mobile platform that run in multiple device, named like Cell Phone, Smart Phone, Tablet, and now its a fundamental system for Google's Chrome OS for Netbook.
We can make an environment on our PC or laptop for this system, using this link we can learn how to set up their environment.
Android was a Java code all about. The tools that ready to use can be download from this link.
A nice simple set of many sample code can be download from this link.
For a simple and best environment , i prefer using Eclipse IDE .
Hope this articles will help U guys...
Friday, July 29, 2011
Harry Potter Premiere Today
Today, maybe this night, the last movie of Harry Potter series will play at theathre in Indonesia. After been waited so long, and spicy with regulation debate between the theathre owner with the movie department in Indonesia, this Box Office movie finally approved to play.
Lets watch !
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Lets watch !
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Jersey Shore TV Serial
It's a TV Serial that rocks !
I want to find and download this series in this week, i hope there is a Torrent with much Seeders Online
heheheh... Or find the best DVD Bluray Rent in the town..let's go!!!
I want to find and download this series in this week, i hope there is a Torrent with much Seeders Online
heheheh... Or find the best DVD Bluray Rent in the town..let's go!!!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Update IOS 4.3.3 Direct Download
For you, Apples's gadget lovers, i'll give you direct link download for the latest IOS update (4.3.3). This is a minor update which changes the way the iOS 4 tracking works. iOS 4.3.3 software update has the following changes:
- Makes cache size smaller.
- Doesn’t backup the cache to iTunes No longer backs the cache up to iTunes.
- Deletes Cache entirely if Location Services is off.
Monday, May 02, 2011
Dead Of Ozama Bin Ladeen and Fake Picture
Today, AS announce the Dead of what they called "Terrorist Most Wanted " Osama Bin Laden. For me , it must be proved by a strong evidence. But then comes up a pictures, which describe "Osama" face with many blood, and one shoot in the head, appear in many blog, and social network.
For me it's a fake pictures.
1. The 2 fotos, on the same position, same mimic. Funny how people dead just like tehir another mimic a long time ago. The left foto was taken many years ago after 11 Sep incident.
2. Look at his shoulder (on the right photo). It's smaller than the left one. Funny, Osama had a bigger head after being killed hehehhe.
It's a big fake.
For me it's a fake pictures.
1. The 2 fotos, on the same position, same mimic. Funny how people dead just like tehir another mimic a long time ago. The left foto was taken many years ago after 11 Sep incident.
2. Look at his shoulder (on the right photo). It's smaller than the left one. Funny, Osama had a bigger head after being killed hehehhe.
It's a big fake.
Sunday, May 01, 2011
Mengubah Tanggal pada Centos Server
Bulan lalu, pas lagi closing dan kebetulan sampai larutmalam sekitar jam 11, tiba2 transaksi data pada aplikasi web kantor pindah ke tanggal besok, sehingga beberapa transaksi penutupan sudah pindah tanggal ke esok hari..
Pejabat di kantor udah panik, dan pas di cek ke server (was Fedora
ternyata memang jam di server lebih cepat 1 jam lebih dibanding jam seharusnya. Nah biasanya mudah , klo pake GUI bisa di mundurin, kebetulan karena server cuman console saja..
Testing pake perintah "date", hanya menampilkan info. Pake perintah "time" ternyata bukan seperti yang sy inginkan fungsinya. Setelah hampir beberapa jam mencoba perintah akhirnya menemukan perintah
"date MMDDhhmmYY"
MM = Month/Bulan (2 digit)
DD = Date/Tanggal (2 digit)
hh = Hours/Jam (2 digit)
mm = Minutes/Menit (2 digit)
YY = Year/Tahun (2 Digit)
Pejabat di kantor udah panik, dan pas di cek ke server (was Fedora

Testing pake perintah "date", hanya menampilkan info. Pake perintah "time" ternyata bukan seperti yang sy inginkan fungsinya. Setelah hampir beberapa jam mencoba perintah akhirnya menemukan perintah
"date MMDDhhmmYY"
MM = Month/Bulan (2 digit)
DD = Date/Tanggal (2 digit)
hh = Hours/Jam (2 digit)
mm = Minutes/Menit (2 digit)
YY = Year/Tahun (2 Digit)

Saturday, April 30, 2011
Direct Download ISO Slackware 13.37 & Ubuntu 11.04
Guys here they are :
Slackware : http://iso.ukdw.ac.id/slackware/13.37/slackware-13.37-install-dvd.iso
Ubuntu 11.04 : http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/natty-desktop-i386.iso
Let's heat up the bandwidth !
Slackware : http://iso.ukdw.ac.id/slackware/13.37/slackware-13.37-install-dvd.iso
Ubuntu 11.04 : http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/natty-desktop-i386.iso
Let's heat up the bandwidth !
Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) Release !
Not much brighter than i expect, ubuntu 11.04 out with a big surprise, they replacing Gnome as default desktop to a new desktop called Unity.
Then that's doesn't stop, they remove OpenOffice.org replaced by LibreOffice (that in my opinion is the right choice when we talk about speed).
And I don't find Rythembox , it's replaced by Banshee.
That's all for now, i must create one day off to continue testing this new release, maybe it will be combine in my laptop with a promising Slackware 13.37 (btw nice numbering).
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Then that's doesn't stop, they remove OpenOffice.org replaced by LibreOffice (that in my opinion is the right choice when we talk about speed).
And I don't find Rythembox , it's replaced by Banshee.
That's all for now, i must create one day off to continue testing this new release, maybe it will be combine in my laptop with a promising Slackware 13.37 (btw nice numbering).
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Domain Pindah Tangan Tiba-Tiba
Kemarin, eh bukan.. hari jumat lalu, ada kasus yang sedikit menggelikan dari salah satu perusahaan hosting di Indonesia. Saya tidak akan menyebutkan nama perusahaan ini.
Ceritanya, saya punya domain, anggaplah "domainku.co.id". Sudah ada sejak 2 tahun lalu, tiba tiba tidak bisa saya akses pada Cpanel saya, dan setelah saya komplain dikatakan bukan milik saya.
Di cek, ternyata email yang terdaftar memang bukan email saya, akan tetapi email dengan account "imank.syah@domainku.co.id".
Terang saja saya semakin bingung, apalagi setelah "berdebat" lewat email beruntun, sang pengelola hosting dengan simple nya mengatakan tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa, kecuali si empunya domain "palsu" membuat request dari email nya untuk menyerahkan domain saya kembali ke saya.
Dari cerita ini ada beberapa hal yang menggelikan :
1. Untuk memindahkan domain harus ada request dari pemilik lama dari email yang dia daftarkan, meminta pemindahan domain ke account baru. Saya tidak pernah membuat request pemindahan domain ke "imank.syah@domainku.com".
2. "imank.syah@domainku.com" adalah email fiktif. Bagaimana saya tau, lah wong yang pegang email server @domainku.com adalah saya sendiri, dan saya juga yang pegang seluruh server di kantor. Tidak ada email tersebut di domain kami.
3. Untuk pengakuan kepemilikan harus melakukan upload pictures, KTP NPWP kantor dll dokumen legal. Kok bisa pindah ke orang lain . Seluruh dokumen legal berhubungan dengan domain dan data legal kantor yang terhubung ke registrasi domain, satu pintu, lewat saya.
Semakin aneh saat supportnya email ke saya mengatakan, kalau memang bapak yang punya domain, buat saja account email "imank.syah@domainku.co.id", lalu bikin request pemindahan dari sana, karena kami butuh record dan rikues untuk action.
Walahhh... solusinya memang simple, tapi yang buat saya geli adalah kok account palsu dadakan muncul dan di daerah domain saya, klo bukan account di buat buat, pasti bukan email dari domain saya..heheh
Bung, kalau memang ada kesalahan di sisi Anda, ngaku aja, minta maaf dan selesai, jangan buat2 masalah yang ternyata hanya untuk menyelamatkan reputasi saja...
Ceritanya, saya punya domain, anggaplah "domainku.co.id". Sudah ada sejak 2 tahun lalu, tiba tiba tidak bisa saya akses pada Cpanel saya, dan setelah saya komplain dikatakan bukan milik saya.
Di cek, ternyata email yang terdaftar memang bukan email saya, akan tetapi email dengan account "imank.syah@domainku.co.id".
Terang saja saya semakin bingung, apalagi setelah "berdebat" lewat email beruntun, sang pengelola hosting dengan simple nya mengatakan tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa, kecuali si empunya domain "palsu" membuat request dari email nya untuk menyerahkan domain saya kembali ke saya.
Dari cerita ini ada beberapa hal yang menggelikan :
1. Untuk memindahkan domain harus ada request dari pemilik lama dari email yang dia daftarkan, meminta pemindahan domain ke account baru. Saya tidak pernah membuat request pemindahan domain ke "imank.syah@domainku.com".
2. "imank.syah@domainku.com" adalah email fiktif. Bagaimana saya tau, lah wong yang pegang email server @domainku.com adalah saya sendiri, dan saya juga yang pegang seluruh server di kantor. Tidak ada email tersebut di domain kami.
3. Untuk pengakuan kepemilikan harus melakukan upload pictures, KTP NPWP kantor dll dokumen legal. Kok bisa pindah ke orang lain . Seluruh dokumen legal berhubungan dengan domain dan data legal kantor yang terhubung ke registrasi domain, satu pintu, lewat saya.
Semakin aneh saat supportnya email ke saya mengatakan, kalau memang bapak yang punya domain, buat saja account email "imank.syah@domainku.co.id", lalu bikin request pemindahan dari sana, karena kami butuh record dan rikues untuk action.
Walahhh... solusinya memang simple, tapi yang buat saya geli adalah kok account palsu dadakan muncul dan di daerah domain saya, klo bukan account di buat buat, pasti bukan email dari domain saya..heheh
Bung, kalau memang ada kesalahan di sisi Anda, ngaku aja, minta maaf dan selesai, jangan buat2 masalah yang ternyata hanya untuk menyelamatkan reputasi saja...
Selevel dengan Cosa Aranda
Sekitar bulan lalu klo bukan 2 bulan lalu mas Cosa Aranda, atau yang mengaku beliau singgah di blog ini, dan memberikan gambar berbasis ASCII, berbentuk hati pada artikel Anne Ahira. Seatau saja ini Bapak dan mas orang terkenal di Internet Marketing, atau yang sejenisnya. Mendapat komentar dan kunjungan ini, membuat perasaan campuyr aduk kaya merk permen campur-rasa "nona-nona" hehehhe
Hari ini saya iseng browsing cari tau Cosa Aranda, dapat beberapa link, paling top di cosaaranda.com , ada juga link lain, tapi menurut Alexa.com, halaman itu memang mempunyai traffik tinggi (paling banyak dari yang pengen cepat kaya melalui internet). Blog saya yang memang hobby aja tertinggal jauh dari ranking Alexa.com punya Beliau. Klo ngga salah beliau udah di rangking 100 ribuan saya mah masih 3 jutaan hehhehe.
Tapi, kalau di Pagerank, wah, blog ini dan blog beliau selevel di level 3...wahh sekali lagi, saya yang hebat, atau gimana nih. Prediksi saya seharusnya dia udah ada di level 6 lah, kalau di banding-luruskan dengan alexa.com. Tapi ini aja udah hebat..... hehehhe
Thanks for come by bang Cosa..
Hari ini saya iseng browsing cari tau Cosa Aranda, dapat beberapa link, paling top di cosaaranda.com , ada juga link lain, tapi menurut Alexa.com, halaman itu memang mempunyai traffik tinggi (paling banyak dari yang pengen cepat kaya melalui internet). Blog saya yang memang hobby aja tertinggal jauh dari ranking Alexa.com punya Beliau. Klo ngga salah beliau udah di rangking 100 ribuan saya mah masih 3 jutaan hehhehe.
Tapi, kalau di Pagerank, wah, blog ini dan blog beliau selevel di level 3...wahh sekali lagi, saya yang hebat, atau gimana nih. Prediksi saya seharusnya dia udah ada di level 6 lah, kalau di banding-luruskan dengan alexa.com. Tapi ini aja udah hebat..... hehehhe
Thanks for come by bang Cosa..
Thursday, April 28, 2011
A fine punishment For Madrid
Match start with exactly what i want , 3 holding midfielder.
Messi playing areas are more in the middle, doesn't do much running with ball in to a penalty box.
Barca playing with ball match long without penetrate, and make Madrid frustration getting the ball. Which make a lot of emotional tackle.
First half Madrid doesn't have many possession. Exactly like i predicted.
Second half its getting better. Madrids are more frustration, getting tackle a cruel tackle in every area, produce 3 yellow and fonally red fir Pepe, a very deserve red for what he's doing to Alves.
Theb Barca start to turn on their style.. Afellay , again like what i want, enter the field and produce one fine assist, that finished calm and sweet by Messi, whom getting start to running with ball and penetrating madris. This little wizard then double his tally with one great solo goal, that make Ronaldo getting far away from Ballon d'Or this years ( did you see how CR7 frustrate almost any time in this match, doesn't get the ball, can't keep his free kick
down, and his fella doesn't support him)
If only, Madrid can start this match with a good honest will, produces a fine match, not just obey The Mou's dogma "Process doesn't matter, except the result" maybe they aren't fell this bitter lose .
If only Khedira an Carvalho play, Kaka enter on second half, and That idiot Pepe doest exist at all, maybe this match ended with draw.
Credit beside Messi, is Afellay. Very valuable couples. And the second goal is a miracle.
Thanks God i awake and watch thus game. Its a natch between a beautiful team vs a pragmatist/arrogant side.
God is working well, cheers soccer lover!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Messi playing areas are more in the middle, doesn't do much running with ball in to a penalty box.
Barca playing with ball match long without penetrate, and make Madrid frustration getting the ball. Which make a lot of emotional tackle.
First half Madrid doesn't have many possession. Exactly like i predicted.
Second half its getting better. Madrids are more frustration, getting tackle a cruel tackle in every area, produce 3 yellow and fonally red fir Pepe, a very deserve red for what he's doing to Alves.
Theb Barca start to turn on their style.. Afellay , again like what i want, enter the field and produce one fine assist, that finished calm and sweet by Messi, whom getting start to running with ball and penetrating madris. This little wizard then double his tally with one great solo goal, that make Ronaldo getting far away from Ballon d'Or this years ( did you see how CR7 frustrate almost any time in this match, doesn't get the ball, can't keep his free kick
down, and his fella doesn't support him)
If only, Madrid can start this match with a good honest will, produces a fine match, not just obey The Mou's dogma "Process doesn't matter, except the result" maybe they aren't fell this bitter lose .
If only Khedira an Carvalho play, Kaka enter on second half, and That idiot Pepe doest exist at all, maybe this match ended with draw.
Credit beside Messi, is Afellay. Very valuable couples. And the second goal is a miracle.
Thanks God i awake and watch thus game. Its a natch between a beautiful team vs a pragmatist/arrogant side.
God is working well, cheers soccer lover!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Jangan Jujur di Internet
Saya tidak berbicara mengenai agama, salah atau tidak, wise or not tapi seharusnyalah Anda ikut saya, sesuai judul artikel ini.
Mengapa harus "Palsu", dan Palsu yang bagaimana ?
Beberapa waktu lalu saya pernah menulis di Blogsome mengenai jengkelnya saya dengan kepalsuan di Facebokk dan Social Network lainnya. Hampir semua berkepribadian ganda bahkan tripple kalau bukan banyak..Bukankah sarkastic kalau saat ini saya menyarankan Anda ber-palsu ria di Internet. Sekali lagi bukan itu maksud saya.
Mengapa harus "Palsu", dan Palsu yang bagaimana ?
Beberapa waktu lalu saya pernah menulis di Blogsome mengenai jengkelnya saya dengan kepalsuan di Facebokk dan Social Network lainnya. Hampir semua berkepribadian ganda bahkan tripple kalau bukan banyak..Bukankah sarkastic kalau saat ini saya menyarankan Anda ber-palsu ria di Internet. Sekali lagi bukan itu maksud saya.
Update IOS 4.3.2 Direct Download
For you, Apples's gadget lovers, i'll give you direct link download for the lastest IOS update (4.3.2) :
Select for your gadget, the download links for iOS 4.3.2 software is below.
Select for your gadget, the download links for iOS 4.3.2 software is below.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Akhirnya Nexus Google masuk Ke Indonesia
Bulan Maret yang lalu, ponsel pintar Nexus S resmi diluncurkan di Indonesia. Menyatukan perangkat keras inovatif dari Samsung dan perangkat lunak sangat populer dari Google, Nexus S meluncur dengan berbagai macam teknologi terbaru dan tercanggih.
Sistem operasi yang dibenamkan ke dalam Nexus S adalah versi Android paling baru, yaitu Gingerbread 2.3. Gingerbread adalah versi yang paling cepat dari seluruh Android dengan tampilan yang indah serta mudah digunakan.
Prosesor yang dibenamkan di Nexus S adalah prosesor Samsung berkecepatan 1 GHz yang menghasilkan grafis 3D yang kaya. Performa aplikasi juga lebih cepat, video HD pun diputar 2x lebih cepat dari sebelumnya.
Nexus S juga memiliki layar sentuh 4” Contour Display (Layar Cekung), yang menghasilkan gambar yang cerah dan indah. Ukuran Nexus S juga pas di genggaman dan memiliki disain fisik yang gaya. Tidak lupa, pengguna bisa menikmati lebih dari 200.000 Apps Android yang bisa diunduh secara gratis
“Nexus S menyatukan perangkat keras dan teknologi terbaik Samsung dengan fitur-fitur menakjubkan terbaru dari Android 2.3 Gingerbread untuk memberikan terobosan pengalaman baru menggunakan ponsel cerdas (smartphone)kepada konsumen,” Eka Anwar, Head of Marketing Mobile Phone dari PT. Samsung Electronics Indonesia, menjelaskan.
Spesifikasi lengkap dari Nexus S adalah:
Sistem operasi yang dibenamkan ke dalam Nexus S adalah versi Android paling baru, yaitu Gingerbread 2.3. Gingerbread adalah versi yang paling cepat dari seluruh Android dengan tampilan yang indah serta mudah digunakan.
Prosesor yang dibenamkan di Nexus S adalah prosesor Samsung berkecepatan 1 GHz yang menghasilkan grafis 3D yang kaya. Performa aplikasi juga lebih cepat, video HD pun diputar 2x lebih cepat dari sebelumnya.
Nexus S juga memiliki layar sentuh 4” Contour Display (Layar Cekung), yang menghasilkan gambar yang cerah dan indah. Ukuran Nexus S juga pas di genggaman dan memiliki disain fisik yang gaya. Tidak lupa, pengguna bisa menikmati lebih dari 200.000 Apps Android yang bisa diunduh secara gratis
“Nexus S menyatukan perangkat keras dan teknologi terbaik Samsung dengan fitur-fitur menakjubkan terbaru dari Android 2.3 Gingerbread untuk memberikan terobosan pengalaman baru menggunakan ponsel cerdas (smartphone)kepada konsumen,” Eka Anwar, Head of Marketing Mobile Phone dari PT. Samsung Electronics Indonesia, menjelaskan.
Spesifikasi lengkap dari Nexus S adalah:
- Jaringan
2.5G (GSM/ GPRS/ EDGE) : 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz
3G (HSDPA 7.2Mbps, HSUPA 5.76Mbps) : 900 / 1700 / 2100 MHz - Sistem Operasi: Android 2.3 / Gingerbread
- Layar: 4.0" Super Clear LCD Display with curved glass screen (800x480)
- Kamera: 5.0 mega-pixel Camera + VGA front Camera, Auto Focus, Self shot
- Video: HD(720p@30fps) video playing, Video recording D1 (720x480)@30fps
- mpeg4, H.264, H.263
- Audio: MP3, AAC, AAC+, eAAC+, AMR, AMR-NB,
- Fitur bernilai tambah:
NFC (Near Field Communications) capability Android Market for FREE applications and contents A-GPS Gyroscope Sensor, Accelerometer, Digital compass, Proximity, Light - Konektivitas: Bluetooth technology v 2.1 + EDR USB v2.0 (High-Speed) Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n
- Memori: 16GB Inand
- Dimensi: 63 x 123.9 x 10.9 mm
- Baterai: 1500 mAh
Nintendo Next Console
Having trouble remembering the last Wii game you bought? According to Game Informer, it might be because Nintendo is prepping to announce a brand new console at this year's E3 2011 show in Los Angeles.
But that's not where the rumor ends. Apparently the successor to the Wii will be an HD console capable of at least matching or even exceeding the current generation performance of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
While such a machine would certainly be a departure from Nintendo's current place in the gaming market, we'd imagine it might eliminate some isolation the Wii experienced in the past when developers looked to create multiplatform games. Most titles found their way to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, not always the Wii.
A new console from Nintendo is certainly not out of the realm of possibility. While Microsoft and Sony have both been able to breath new life into their respective systems with products like Kinect and Move, the Wii has slowly come to a halt. And if the introduction of new add-ons hasn't been enough of a threat, the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3's online and marketplace experiences have been superior since day one.
Specific details remain light though the reported source claims the next system will see a late 2012 release. Will it feature motion controls? 3D? We'll just have to wait until early June to see when CNET will be reporting live from the Nintendo press conference and on the show floor at E3 2011.
Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-20054034-1.html#ixzz1JXBKHei6
Update Kecil nan Berarti untuk Pengguna Gmail
Tanggal 6 April lalu Gmail melakukan update "kecil" untuk kenyamanan dan keamanan kita ber-Gmail-ria. Apa saja update tersebut :
Here’s a rundown:
- Auto-save contacts setting: Most people like that Gmail automatically saves every email address you send messages to; it can help recover forgotten addresses of former teachers, bosses, and people you contacted once but never thought you'd need to contact again. For some people, though, this feature can cause too much contacts clutter. Today, we're rolling out a new setting to let you turn off the auto-save option. You’ll see it on the General tab of Gmail Settings.
- Better warnings for typos in email addresses: We all make typos, even when addressing email. In the old days, when you accidentally left out the "." in your ".com", Gmail would tell you there was an error but not point it out. Now, it’ll let you know which address has the problem -- much easier when sorting through a long “To:” list.
- Fewer annoying error pop-ups: Gmail's filters are really useful for organizing your messages automatically, but sometimes those filters can have unintended consequences, like sending mail you'd like to keep to the trash. When you replied to a message in the Trash, Gmail would show an error message you'd have to click through to continue working. Now, you’ll still see the error, but it's no longer a pop up and it gives you an easy way to move the conversation out of Trash right from there.
- Easier transitions between certain actions: You can create filters quickly from the "Filter messages like this" option that shows up on some messages. Now, after you've saved your filter, Gmail will send you right back to the message you were reading so you can go right back to what you were doing before.
- Keyboard shortcut guide for everyone: Keyboard shortcuts can be a huge productivity boosters. If you've never tried them, try hitting Shift+? -- that's one keyboard shortcut that's now automatically turned on and gives you a peek into the rest of them and a quick link to enable from there.
- Refresh button: For a long time, people have pointed out the inconsistency of having "Refresh" as a link in the menu bar, next to all of the buttons. We changed it to a button to match.
Ngga salah kayaknya milih gmail services ....
Saturday, April 02, 2011
Pilih AppleTV atau WD TV Live Plus Media Player ?
Beberapa hari ini saya sangat senang mengumpulkan info mengenai media player. Karena saya orang yang sangat suka di rumah, maka cenderung ingin melengkapi home entertainment, agar benar-benar bisa menikmati tinggal dirumah :)
Tapi penting untuk mengetahui fitur dan sesuaikan dengan budget yang ada dan jelas tidak berlebihan. Syarat untuk menjadi media player pilihan sebenarnya sdh ada di PC AIO HP ku, dengan XBMC didalamnya, tetapi untuk nonton film 720p sampai 1080p jelas lebih bagus saat di tonton lewat TV HD layar besar, dan kebetulan ada yg 37 Inch di rumah, mesti dimaksimalkan.
Syarat wajib yang mesti di penuhi antara lain :

Tapi penting untuk mengetahui fitur dan sesuaikan dengan budget yang ada dan jelas tidak berlebihan. Syarat untuk menjadi media player pilihan sebenarnya sdh ada di PC AIO HP ku, dengan XBMC didalamnya, tetapi untuk nonton film 720p sampai 1080p jelas lebih bagus saat di tonton lewat TV HD layar besar, dan kebetulan ada yg 37 Inch di rumah, mesti dimaksimalkan.
Syarat wajib yang mesti di penuhi antara lain :
- Mendukung HDTV, minimal 1080p.
- Mendukung format HD Video seperti MKV, MP4, H264
- Ada port minimal HDMI, dan A/V composite
- Mendukung External Storage, bila tidak terdapat Internal .
- Ada output Audio Digital, minimal mendukung 3.1 Speaker
- Ada koneksi internet port, minimal ethernet, bagus kalau mendukung usb-wifi dongle.
- Bisa melakukan Encode video sendiri
- Bisa di oprek, minimal Plex dan XBMC bisa masuk ke ROM
- Ada update firmware berkala.
- Bisa "berhubungan " dengan OS diluar OS-Firmware
- Bisa menjadi Media Streaming Server. Jadi bisa menjadi media center, iPad, iPod touch dan iPhone-ku bisa dipakai nonton streaming kencang dari sini.

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