ERP : Apa itu ERP

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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) Release !

Not much brighter than i expect, ubuntu 11.04 out with a big surprise, they replacing Gnome as default desktop to a new desktop called Unity.
Then that's doesn't stop, they remove replaced by LibreOffice (that in my opinion is the right choice when we talk about speed).
And I don't find Rythembox , it's replaced by Banshee.
That's all for now, i must create one day off to continue testing this new release, maybe it will be combine in my laptop with a promising Slackware 13.37 (btw nice numbering).

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Arman Idris said...
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Arman Idris said...

Ubuntu sudah mulai kehabisan spes di cdrom, dengan semakin banyaknya fitur - fitur di software membuat software tersebut jadi lebih besar,makanya program - programnya dipangkas.

Razmal Djamal said...

Besaran itu lebih arah Ubuntu menyediakan semua kebutuhan usernya.
Karena pastimi yang pake ubuntu bukan user yang mau berlama-lama tweaking sana sini sampai fit dengan their own needs.
Tapi biasanya tdk lama lagi versi DVD nya keluar juga.

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