ERP : Apa itu ERP

ERP adalah software. Bisa berjalan sebagai aplikasi desktop, bisa juga sebagai webapps (aplikasi web), dan biasanya punya aplikasi mobile...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Update IOS 4.3.3 Direct Download

For you, Apples's gadget lovers, i'll give you direct link download for the latest IOS update (4.3.3). This is a minor update which changes the way the iOS 4 tracking works. iOS 4.3.3 software update has the following changes:
  • Makes cache size smaller.
  • Doesn’t backup the cache to iTunes No longer backs the cache up to iTunes.
  • Deletes Cache entirely if Location Services is off.

The download links for iOS 4.3.3 software is below.

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