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Friday, December 25, 2015

Sepeda dan sepeda Motor tenaga Angin (Air Pressure )

There is now a Compressed Air Powered Motorcycle.

Compressed air is one very viable way to store energy. We have learned how to store air at high pressures in excess of 10,000 psi for activities like SCUBA diving many years ago. Diving with an air tank containing significant compressed energy is something that is routine for many divers.

After a SCUBA compressed air tank explodes

After a SCUBA compressed air tank explodes – Wikipedia

Make no mistake if one of these tanks was to fall over and the valve be broken off when full, this tank would launch itself into the air like a rocket and embed itself several hundred feet away.

Based on this,using this technology to store energy for vehicles such as cars and motorcycles is not so far fetched as we might think.

The O2 compressed air motorcycle

The O2 compressed air motorcycle

That is exactly what this next company has done which is make a compressed air motorcycle.

A compressed air powered motorcycle

A compressed air powered motorcycle

The motorcycle is called the O2 Pursuit and the bike is emissions free if the air was compressed using renewable energy such as solar or wind and makes a great combination with these.

The O2 Pursuit air powered motorcycle

The O2 Pursuit air powered motorcycle

The O2 Pursuit.

The motorcycle is capable of 85 km/hr and a significant range of travel. Acceleration is excellent as  the weight is very light with out a traditional gas engine and fuel load.



Maybe this is a technology that we will see in the showrooms soon.



Suami Kerja , atau istri juga Kerja , hasilnya Sama

Suami gaji 4 juta, istri gaji 3 juta, total penghasilan keluarga 7 Juta.
Kalau istri berhenti kerja, penghasilan keluarga tetap 7 juta. Kok bisa????? Iyaaa!!! Karena Rezeki istri melalui suami. Dengan beragam cara bila Allah sudah berkehendak.
* Bisa suami naik gaji.
* Bisa suami dipanggil kerja di tempat lain dengan mendapatkan gaji & fasilitas dua kali lipat dari tempat sebelumnya.
* Bisa suami memulai bisnis sampingan dan bisnisnya sukses.
(Ingat!!! Allah itu maha besar, masalah gaji suami itu urusan sangat sepele sekali bagi Allah)

Jadi bagi para istri yang masih keukeuh untuk bekerja dengan alasan nanti penghasilan keluarga berkurang. Apakah para istri lupa bahwa ada Allah yang menjamin rizki buat suami yang akan diberikan ke keluarga kecilmu?

Allah sudah memberitahukan kita semua lewat Al-Quran, yang berbunyi:
“Allah telah menjamin rezeki untuk setiap makhluk-Nya. Tiada suatu binatang melatapun yang tidak mendapat jaminan rezeki dari-Nya.” (QS. Huud: ayat 6)

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