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Tuesday, May 08, 2012

IOS 5.1.1 Direct Download

iOS 5.1.1 has been released for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch, the software update comes as build 9B206 and includes a variety of bug fixes including an HDR photo issue, improved AirPlay, iPad network switching, an iTunes store fix, and improvements to Safari reading list syncing. The official changelog is listed below, and the software update is recommended to install for all iOS users.

These are direct download links to firmware files hosted by Apple, right-click and “Save As” for best results. The file extension should be .ipsw and nothing else, using IPSW files is easy but for most users it’s recommended to download through iTunes or the iOS device.
Note the ISPW files are significantly larger than the delta updates available through OTA software update, and are generally best used by advanced users.

1 comment:

Doni said...

pagerank nya tinggi sekali

klo boleh belajar tips nya apa aja?

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