ERP : Apa itu ERP

ERP adalah software. Bisa berjalan sebagai aplikasi desktop, bisa juga sebagai webapps (aplikasi web), dan biasanya punya aplikasi mobile...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Epiware, Open Source Document Management

Kemarin abis meeting, dimana dalam meeting di todong untuk menyediakan mekanisme manajemen dokumen untuk Enterprise Class, saya langsunh action, googling dan prepare salah satu Document Management GPL yaitu Epiware. Bisa diunduh di web site nya (lupa alamatnya, tanya google aja).
Simple ringan, user mekanisme ada, tracking dan logging bagus dan web based.
Sdh say test untuk salah satu group di kantor dan running well. Setiap upload file, ada broadcast email ke group member dan admin tentu saja.
Hari ini saya akan coba menggali kemampuan Epiware ini lebih dalam. Semoga lancar :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

MySQL Command Line and SSH: Importing and Exporting Database

To reiterate, typical limitations on phpMyAdmin include the following:
1. Importing a large database is a problem in phpMyAdmin. For example, if you have a MySQL database that you need to import to your XAMPP Local host MySQL.
2. Since phpMyAdmin is browser-based, most web companies do not offer SSL encryption for MySQL sessions. Thus, it is highly possible that sensitive information might get compromised during a MySQL session.
This tutorial uses SSH connectivity in MySQL. This encrypts the entire MySQL session, including the sending of passwords.
If you need an introduction to the use of SSH for MySQL database, you can read this tutorial:
This is a beginner tutorial that covers new and important topics in MySQL management using the command line.

Backing Up and Restoring Your MySQL Database - Easy Restore

Now that you've got backups of your database, let's learn how to restore your backup in case your database goes down. Here's how you can restore your backed up database using the mysql command.
Restore using mysql
If you have to re-build your database from scratch, you can easily restore the mysqldump file by using the mysql command. This method is usually used to recreate or rebuild the database from scratch.
Here's how you would restore your custback.sql file to the Customers database.

Backing Up and Restoring Your MySQL Database - What about Multiple Databases?

If you are a database administrator who has to look after multiple databases, you'll need to back up more than one database at a time. Here's how you can backup multiple databases in one shot.
If you want to specify the databases to backup, you can use the --databases parameter followed by the list of databases you would like to backup. Each database name has to be separated by at least one space when you type in the command. So if you have to backup 3 databases, let say Customers, Orders and Comments, you can issue the following command to back them up. Make sure the username you specify has permissions to access the databases you would like to backup.

Backup and Restor Mysql Server On Centos 5

Backing Up and Restoring Your MySQL Database

The easiest way to backup your database would be to telnet to the your database server machine and use the mysqldump command to dump your whole database to a backup file. If you do not have telnet or shell access to your server, don't worry about it; I shall outline a method of doing so using the PHPMyAdmin web interface, which you can setup on any web server which executes PHP scripts.
Playing with mysqldump
If you have either a shell or telnet access to your database server, you can backup the database using mysqldump. By default, the output of the command will dump the contents of the database in SQL statements to your console. This output can then be piped or redirected to any location you want. If you plan to backup your database, you can pipe the output to a sql file, which will contain the SQL statements to recreate and populate the database tables when you wish to restore your database. There are more adventurous ways to use the output of mysqldump.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Nindya dan Ila maniak komputer?

Anak-anak ku ini, ila (menbelakangi kamera) 2 tahun dan kakaknya nindya ( yg pake laptop Hp merah) sdh senang main komputer. Gambar ini sy ambil kemarin.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Meeting Development

Meeting dengan staf dev saya, bersama 2 anak perusahaan mengenai aplikasi accounting group.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Facebook's 'Like This' button is tracking you

A researcher from a Dutch university is warning that Facebook's 'Like This' button is watching your every move.

Arnold Roosendaal, who is a doctoral candidate at the Tilburg University for Law, Technology and Society, warns that Facebook is tracking and tracing everyone, whether they use the social networking site or not.
Roosendaal says that Facebook's tentacles reach way beyond the confines of its own web sites and subscriber base because more and more third party sites are using the 'Like This' button and Facebook Connect.

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