ERP : Apa itu ERP

ERP adalah software. Bisa berjalan sebagai aplikasi desktop, bisa juga sebagai webapps (aplikasi web), dan biasanya punya aplikasi mobile...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

DRBL (Diskless Remote Boot in Linux)

If you ever had an idea of installing up to 10-40 client, without touchinh their machine one-by-one, then your (our) dream is come true. There is a (brilliant) way. Using this DRBL way.

DRBL is the ultimate PXE/Etherboot system , on asingle server that act as a Installer Server, and willbe accessing by your network connected client, in any type of machine, to do handy non touches network-installment.  Supporting any kid of machine, any kind of storage's, Processors . even on a live (already have a system like windows or any client).

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