Jika Anda tidak termasuk diatas, baca terus untuk 10 Aplikasi Must-Have untuk Muslim yang akan insyaallah membantu Anda dengan cinta Allah dan Rasul-Nya .
1. Al Quran oleh Sayed Samad
Membaca Quran sekarang tidak harus terbatas hanya ketika Anda berada di rumah atau di masjid. Fitur dari aplikasi ini meliputi lebih dari 100 terjemahan dalam 30 bahasa yang berbeda. Hal ini user friendly; bookmark dan referensi dari ayat-ayat dapat dilakukan dengan mudah! Download semua ayat demi ayat bacaan dengan hanya satu klik. Email ayat untuk keluarga dan teman-teman juga mungkin. Hal ini dapat dibeli dan diunduh melalui iTunes.
Sekarang ini, banyak orang menghabiskan waktu di Social media dengan mengupdate status inspirasi, dengan Aplikasi ini Anda tetap bisa meberi inspirasi, dengan quote dari ilmu-ilmu Islam dari 48 Sarjana !
This app is available for free on iTunes.
Aplikasi baca Quran lain yang tersedia gratsi.
Qamar Deen by Batoul Apps
This application allows the user to keep track of the good deeds done in the course of the day. From prayers to Sadaqah and even your recitations of the Qur’an! Just mark the prayers you’ve performed during the day (be it the five obligatory ones or the added sunnah prayers), how much Sadaqah you’ve given out (even a smile counts!) or how much of the Holy Book you’ve read. You can actually chart your progress in a graph-like manner and see your progress towards being a better person! Be sure to remember to note down the deeds though! But on another note, please do not misuse this application as a tool for riya’ by showing off to other people how well you’ve done. That is not exactly very Islamic is it? This app can be downloaded for free on iTunes.
Supplications – Dua for every occasion by Batoul Apps
Dua is the weapon for Muslims. We have duas for everything in life to seek Allah’s help and guidance in everything we do. This application provides the user with useful supplications for occasions and everyday interactions (e.g: going to the toilet, visiting the sick, greeting a friend etc.) at their fingertips! It can be bought from iTunes.
Singaporeans love to eat and Muslim Singaporeans are no exception. Would it not be awesome if there was an app that could just tell you the location of the nearest Halal eating outlet? This application will help users get a list of mosques, halal restaurants and markets at a place of their choice. It will also display maps, directions and contact information. You can get it at the iPhone application store. It is available for use in some countries including Singapore.
Divine Names by Magnicode
Ever wondered about the meanings of the 99 names of God? This application comes with English translations that will allow you to appreciate and understand the meanings of each of the 99 Great names.
You can buy or download this hadith application by opening iTunes. The application has a collection of 5 hadith books by Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawud, Malik Muwatta and Hadith Qudsi.
Islamic Compass Free- Prayer times and Adzan alarm by Islam Pray Institute for Quran and Qibla (Version 2.1)
Have you ever been out and about somewhere where there is no designated space for prayers? So you pick a secluded, clean spot and prepare to pray. But wait! You don’t know which direction to pray in and you’ve forgotten your compass. Well…fret not! This application enables the user to pinpoint the direction of Mecca and also comes with an adzan alert for prayer times according to your area!
iSubha: Islamic Prayer Beads by Guided ways Technologies Ltd
Zikir and Salawats are greatly encouraged in Islam. Not only does it increase our awareness and Imaan to Allah and the Prophet (peace be upon him), it also calms us down and puts our minds at ease. Usually, prayer beads or the tasbeeh/ misbaha is used as counters to keep track of the number of zikirs/salawats that is being recited but with this app, your phone can be turned into your very own set of virtual prayer beads! It also comes with known supplications or verses. Furthermore, your zikir/salawats can be customised according to your choice! This app can be bought at iTunes.
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